We want you to be happy with your shopping experience with us, so please let us know of any questions or concerns you may have. If something is wrong, we will do our best to make things right!

Contact us:
[email protected]


Details for the semester plus no returns dates

Merchandise (not textbooks)
  • Items must be in new condition, not worn or washed.
  • Not eligible for returns/exchanges: gift cards, eCards, clearance/discounted/final sale items
  • Damaged items or incorrect items may be eligible for shipping refunds, please call us.
  • Include a copy of the sales or gift receipt.
  • Include your information on our Return/Exchange Form.
  • Shipping costs to exchange and/or return items not damaged or incorrectly sent is the responsibility of the customer.

Our UPS/FEDEX shipping address is:
Kenyon College Bookstore
106 Gaskin Ave
Gambier OH 43022

Our USPS address:
Kenyon College Bookstore
P.O.Box 231
Gambier, OH 43022

Contact us:
Email:[email protected]
Phone: 740-427-5652